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♥ StarryNiteGuild.blogspot.com

♥StarryNite Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Why must you StarryNite ppl be so inactive?
be active, kay? -.-
i like this blog so much yet its not in use. LOL
im dang lame
this post is so random.
idk what im talking about.


Logged off, 1:09 AM
♥StarryNite Friday, January 30, 2009

Muahahahahahahaha it's gonna be Valentines Day soon. Oh and err... Happy CHinese New Year too :) Soo...Collect more angpaus, (share with us pls F3) and feast on the CNY goodies (Juz dun grow fat LOL) and on Valentines Day, don't forget to give ur loved ones (maple or not, dun care) some presents xD
THAT INCLUDES U, BEN. (i want money f3)

Logged off, 9:53 PM
♥StarryNite Saturday, January 3, 2009

o.O 2 weddings in 1 day :D Congratz Pirate [XpirateX112] & Joyi [sarahjojoL99] marry hope u live happily ever after lolx ^^ annd of coz... me [Cutielsca] and Ben [benjaminL94] also married....... (i'm still disbelieving it) And thank you all for coming to our wedding & Joyi & Pirate's wedding. Sorry I didn't make it back in time to attend Joyi & Pirate's wedding ><

Logged off, 5:16 PM
♥StarryNite Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas

Hey guys, its Christmas! Dun forget to give each other presents (jk) :) And you may wanna train during the 6 hours (OMG 6 hours?) 2x exp on 25th Dec frm 2pm to 8pm ^^ Wishing you a Merry Christmas from me (Cutielsca) & Ben and a good chionging time. Make good use of it :D

Logged off, 2:09 AM
♥StarryNite Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Guild Video!!

Hey guys, we're making a guild video this upcoming Saturday, 13/12/08.

Please be there!!

Time: 15:00 / 3p.m.

Please note: Cutie must on in the video. Or I'll secretly take pictures of her when she on.
Don't worry. If she's not on that day, SPAM HER WHEN SHE ON LATER!

Logged off, 9:32 AM
♥StarryNite Tuesday, December 9, 2008
GPQ! GPQ! We <3 GPQ!

Hey guys,

The GPQ today we did, without GM because she was lagging, was fun. Eventhough we earned 15 GP but still we bonded :D. So, here's the GPQ Time Table for those who wants to do GPQ with us. ( P.S. We're looking for a max tele magician )

Tuesday: 17:00 / 5 p.m. ( FIXED )
Wednesday: 14:00 / 2 p.m. ( PRE-DETERMINED )
Thursday: 16:00 / 4 p.m. ( PRE- DETERMINED )
Friday: 15:00 / 3 p.m. ( PRE- DETERMINED )

This is a pre-determined time table. We will have the fixed one soon.

Logged off, 3:12 AM
♥StarryNite Monday, December 8, 2008
Warning List #1

This month's warning list:


Just on once, and you'll be off this list permanently.

Logged off, 12:09 PM
♥StarryNite Sunday, December 7, 2008
??? member's shall be expelled!!

To all StarryNite members,

Please note if your member stats are replaced with ??? after a new patch for more than 3 weeks, we will expel you unless you give a reasonable reason why you can't on.

Member's ign shall be placed in the warning list in the Guild BBS, your name won't come off unless juniors or Cutie sees you on more than 5 times a week and we will take your name off the warning list.

Please try to on as much as possible!!

Logged off, 8:38 AM
Expanded Guild Slots

To all StarryNite Guild Members/ Guild Juniors,

Guild slots has been expanded to 80 slots. Please don't simply delete members and add new ones without permission from either Cutie or all Juniors permissions.

Logged off, 8:36 AM
♥StarryNite Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sorry to all guild members if your names are not in the member's list. Please write your IGN in the tagboard if your name is not in the list. We'll also try to update the blog asap.

Logged off, 10:16 PM
♥StarryNite Tuesday, November 18, 2008

To all guild members: If you can, please write your birthdays in the tagboard, and we'll try to remember it. Ty

And please do try to make use of the 2x exp coming up to train. Jia you all of you ^^

19th November to 28th November 2008 (10 Days) For ALL Worlds

Weekdays (Mon - Fri)
1400hrs to 1600hrs

Weekends (Sat - Sun)
1400hrs to 1600hrs

From 29th November to 28th December 2008 (4 weeks)For ALL Worlds

Weekdays (Mon - Fri)
1400hrs to 1600hrs

Weekends (Sat - Sun)
1400hrs to 1600hrs &
2000hrs to 2200hrs

Logged off, 7:31 PM
♥StarryNite Friday, November 7, 2008
Expanding the guild...

Hi all,

As you all know, when our guild is full, you'll all beg/plead/ask/want our guild master, Cutie to expand the guild as much as possible. Cutie can't probably expand the guild till maxed, so IF you want to expand the guild, contribute it OR donate it to Cutie/ me ( benjaminL94 ).

Don't worry, we have no reason to steal your mesos, besides, the guild needs some expanding anyways... So, if you want it to be expanded, save up some mesos, and give it to Cutie or me ( and I'll pass it to her ).

Logged off, 11:16 PM
Hey all~~~

Yo guyz~~

It's ben here, the new super editor :D

Our guild master currently well... is unavailable :3 so I'll be updating the blog whenever necessary.

Logged off, 7:31 AM
♥StarryNite Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Welcome To StarryNite~!☆

Welcome to StarryNite~ Please observe the rules and follow it, thank you.^^
Jrs, take note. Add members at least level 40. Thanks for joining StarryNite~Hope you'll enjoy yourself here!

Logged off, 4:08 AM
` ☆Disclaimer

Welcome to

dun follow and die... [:
[1]no begging for promotion/items/mesos
[2]jrs are not allow to expel people or lower their rankings
[3]Don't edit any BBS posts in the guild (consequences are severe)
[4]Please inform us if you are going not going to on

` ☆StarryNites

Alliance: --
-> --


Founded 2008



Member of the week:

Total members: [3/100]
` ♥ Notices/GuildEvents

-Guild 6 vs 6 MC Tournament-

` ♥ Chatz~

` RaNkInGs

Cloud: Lv 1~29
Skyz: Lv 30~69
Suns: Lv 70 & above
Moon:*Jrs will be based on loyalty to Guild

Level Requirement
Minimum level requirement to join is 50. (Existing members are excused.)

` ♥ Past

September 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
May 2009

` ♥ Credits

Designer : Wanching
Inspirations : Chocoxbaby
Image Hosting: Photobucket